although not much has happened on the old blog these days, much has happened in my life. i've come to the place where limestone is born, the ozark mountains, to try a time as a hermit. ok. hermits don't really have access to computers. a semi-hermit, living on the edge of eureka springs, where there is a library.
why would i do such a thing, leaving the quite cozy community in mild bellingham for a place with extreme weather and ticks and chiggers (and lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!)? because the world is just so very noisy. because the church, at least the public church, has put all its hope in horses, although they are now horses neatly contained in internal combustion engines, with what passes for theology reduced to bumper stickers.
because i wanted to, as the message translates the revelation to st. john, "to listen to the windwords, to hear the spirit blowing through the churches."
so now i'm discipling myself to be less noisy. it's easy to get away from television and cars. now to clear the clutter that lodges within.
pray for me, brothers and sisters, that i might hear.
12 hours ago
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